Untitled (a night in late August)

Filmed only days before the attack on the World Trade Center, a night in late August  2001 is an 18-minute encounter with nightfall. As the horizon line appears and  disappears and reappears again, we are reminded of the innocent bystander  incognizant of an impending catastrophe. The evening slowly turns to darkness, the  image degrades, and it is only in retrospect that we contemplate our own ignorance  and begin to understand that violence can be mysteriously organic, occurring  suddenly to catch us unaware. On an adjacent wall, the scarred wing of a Common Blue  Morpho addresses the Chaos Theory (a butterfly flapping his wings over the ocean  creates a disaster in another part of the world); the butterfly becomes the personification of the soul, whether living or dead.

Untitled (a night in late August 2001)  / (2007)
Installation, video projection  18-minute loop /silent 
with  Common Blue Morpho 
5-inch video projection  35-second loop / silent  


Chasing Napalm


The Reconstruction of Anna Marie Knaus